Gepard Shield


ZodiacERA RO focuses on players flaunting their fashion. Players are provided with the opportunity to don great looking costumes and collectible headgears, which are obtainable via quests, events, or other means, so there's always something for everyone! In addition to automated events, our ever playful GMs are happy to host events as well, continuing to reward players always. Participating and completing events are not the only way to receive rewards, so fret not! We have plenty of unique rewards for continuous playtime, voting, and many more! Lastly, not forgetting, PVP is not neglected and all players are welcome to participate in PVP events or the general PVP room for the thrill of battle!

The ZodiacERA RO team is committed to working hard in providing players with the best gaming experience. We look forward to seeing you in game and growing together with you as a community, so join us today!

WoE Information

Monday - Kriemhild 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Wednesday - Britoniah Guild 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Friday - Greenwood Lake 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Guild Castles
Zodiac Era Staff 1
69ers 0
Ticnap Notnac 0
NEXT WOE IN Britoniah Guild
Jan 22, 2025 18:00:00

Rules & Regulations

Respect and Conduct:

  • Treat all players, staff, and community members with respect and courtesy.
  • Do not engage in harassment, discrimination, or hate speech based on race, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic.
  • Refrain from disruptive behavior such as spamming, trolling, or flaming in chat channels.

Gameplay Integrity:

  • Do not exploit bugs, glitches, or loopholes in the game to gain unfair advantages.
  • Do not engage in cheating, hacking, or the use of third-party programs that modify game data or automate gameplay actions (botting).
  • Report any exploits or vulnerabilities to the server administrators promptly and refrain from sharing them with other players.

Account Security:

  • Protect your account credentials and personal information. Do not share your account details with others.
  • Do not engage in any activities that compromise the security of the server, such as phishing attempts or attempting to access other players' accounts unlawfully.

Trade and Economy:

  • Trade items and in-game currency fairly and honestly. Do not engage in scamming, price manipulation, or deceptive practices.
  • Do not engage in real-money trading (RMT) or any transactions involving real-world currency.

Community Interaction:

  • Engage in constructive and positive communication with other players.
  • Help newcomers and contribute to a welcoming community environment.
  • Respect the decisions and rulings of server administrators and moderators.

Gameplay Integrity:

  • Do not advertise or promote other Ragnarok Online private servers or gaming communities within the server.
  • Refrain from posting external links that lead to inappropriate or malicious content.

Accountability and Enforcement:

  • Violations of these rules will result in appropriate disciplinary action, including warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Decisions made by server administrators and moderators are final and not subject to appeal, except in cases of clear evidence of error or misunderstanding.

Updates and Amendments:

  • These Rules & Regulations may be updated or amended periodically to reflect changes in the server environment or community needs. Players are responsible for keeping themselves informed of any changes.

By playing on Zodiac Era Ragnarok Online, you agree to abide by these Rules & Regulations and uphold
the principles of fairness, respect, and integrity in your interactions with others.